My Brilliant Career in Español

So we are at the new school, St. Cecilia’s, signing up the boys. The clerk asks me what I do for a living ("Qué es sue profesión?") I tell her I am a housewife because I can’t say sand sculpturess in Spanish. She types in "HOG" which is...

I Can Hear You Breathe.

When I can’t, it wrecks my whole night. And his. Like last night. Ryan has asthma. His wheeze or dry cough or panting wakes me. My eyes pop open… I listen. At first I’m not sure what I’m listening for, what woke me up. But after 13 years, Ryan...

My Brilliant Career

Rumor has it, we’ve retired. "Retiring" means choosing to quit your job and moving to another country… I guess we sorta did that. But it implies doing that without the need to ever work again. Uh, we didn’t do that. We aren’t...

Too Long At The Fair

Main Entry: ad•ven•ture Function: noun Etymology: Middle English aventure, from Old French, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin adventura, from Latin adventus, past participle of advenire to arrive, from ad- + venire to come 1 a : an undertaking usually involving danger and...

Things to love about Costa Rica

Feeding the birds is big. Hal built a bird feeder the other day from fallen bamboo down by the river on our 40 acre finca [FEEN-kah, farm]. Well, not "our" finca but we have the run of the place. We put fruit on it every am, but so far, birds only eye it...