It’s Official.

Last week I spent four of the longest (and, surprisingly, some of the most interesting) days of my career in the real estate course offered by the Cámara Costarricense de Corredores de Bienes Raíces (Costa Rica's Chamber of Real Estate Brokers). If I'm going...

Election Day Costa Rica 2010

You would not believe the horn-blowing, flag-waving, chanting, excitement in Costa Rica! The air is thick with it. Today, Sunday, 7 Feb 2010, Costa Ricans are electing a new president, as well as a bunch of diputados (representatives) from all seven cantons. Costa...

Annual Report

Wow. Today is our 19th wedding anniversary. I remember that day like it was yesterday. That's so nice, actually, because I can no longer remember yesterday. PHOTO: We got married in Key West on our dock at sunset. We lived in a mobile home with this view....