Observations, Tidbits and Theories

I’m doing great, off the O2, feeling like my old self emotionally and mentally, just without the energy to do my old routine. I still have an annoying cough and still hoarse from the respirator, but both are improving. One day at a time and all that. While in...

Spanish by Song:

Lyrics:tener es tuve; estar estuveir es fui y también serponer es puse; poder es pudetraje es para traerhacer hice; haber hube;saber supe; querer quise;decir dije; venir vine;ver vi; dar di;no acentos P.S. Thank you, Robert! P.S.S. The preterite tense is the...

About the Lipstick Fund

Last week, I found out that my little medical adventure cost us over half our net worth. Not including the '95 Rav4 with the 150,000 miles and a very slightly crinkled hood where I ran into someone. Hey, it was his fault: he slammed on his brakes to miss a dog....

Thank You

I just read all the comments. There are not words to express my feelings right now. (Yes, I'm speechless.) It meant so much to my family to hear from you, cheering me away from the edge. It worked!!!Everything is going great: I lifted a bottle of Clorox over my...